just recently finished with my exams....and now i have a huge problem....so many plans...not even one of them working right....suddenly after the exams i realise a very important thing..i have nothing to do for so many days....
tried watching tv...same old serials..same old movies...same old everything...
tried reading...morning=newspaper...afternoon=magazine.....evening=novel.....zzzzzz
tried calling people....tried going out for a walk...tried helping out in the house....tried blogging....
even tried going to the gym....
it all seems a waste....i just dont seem to enjoy what i am doing...i just cant put down a finger on one particular thing and say i enjoy doing this....my mind just isnt satisfied....i cant eat right...i get frusterated...i cant sleep right....i get frusterated....i dont know wht i want to do....and that in turn makes me even the more frusterated....
why is the human tendency to be never satisfied with what we achieve...why r we never satisfied on anything.....why are we so hungry for the next step....??
when we were young...we wanted a tricycle....later we get a bicycle for a birthday gift...then we want a new geared bicycle...then..we want a bike....then a more stunning bike...then a small car...then a huge car...our hunger never seems to stop....and because of this hunger...i suppose...one time comes that we have tried out every possible thing to do and still not met up with the limits of satisfaction....only having food water clothing is not called living....i guess living means having a actual life....LIFE is when we are satisfied with ourselves,with wht we do,how we do,wht we are,who we r...and most importantly...when the image in the mirror smiles back at us when we stare at it....!!!!
Right now my image just stares back at me.....there is something missing.....i just cant put my finger on what exactly may i do to make my image smile......the toughts empty my mind as i go in some kinnda trance state to actually discover who i am...what i want....WHAT MAKES ME SMILE...????
an empty mind doesnt always have to rust....after all...to fill an already filled cup is a waste....it will flood and spill....to fill it with new stuff....u need to empty it....!!!!